Learn More About RenAdventures

RenAdventures & Destination DnD tour companies host some of the most incomparable historic, cultural, and themed tours you could possibly imagine. With destinations throughout Europe and the states including Italy, Czech Republic, Germany, England, and New Orleans, tour goers will not leave disappointed. Our tour leaders offer an experience unlike most as a majority of our tour leaders are also talented world entertainers, performers, and lifelong Dungeons & Dragons hobbyists.

Paolo Garbanzo

Paolo Garbanzo

Founder & Tour Leader

Paolo founded RenAdventures in 2014 with the desire to share his love of medieval and renaissance Europe with fans of renaissance festivals in America.  Having traveled extensively across Europe for many years and performed in three languages, Paolo brings the experience of being part of the show to everyone on our tours.  Being the winner of the International Jester Competition in England, Paolo loves to twist history with the spice of comedy and share this new flavor with all.

Carl Asch

Carl Asch

Founder and Tour Leader

Life long entertainer, Carl (AKA Giacomo the Jester), enjoys sharing his love of travel, good food and meeting new people with everyone.  He lovingly crafts each RenAdventure tour to maximize artful and cultural encounters, finding ways to create magical moments that will live with his guests forever.

Destination DnD Tour Leaders

Paolo Garbanzo

Paolo Garbanzo

Founder & Tour Leader

With nearly 40 years of experience running and writing scenarios for role-playing games, Paolo brings his improv skills and command of world-building together with an eye for the overall story.  A showman and Game Master for more than 30 years, Paolo is an expert at creating enthralling worlds that engage players and take them to new heights of heroic fantasy.

Creator of Nat21 Adventures Twitch channel, you can see Paolo in action most Tuesday Nights running a crazy game of D&D with his renaissance faire performer friends at

Tifa Tittlywinks

Tifa Tittlywinks

Game Master

Performing across the country for over 15 years, Tifa uses her skills as a vibrant comedian and Burlesque performer to engage her players in her magical world.  With her flair for the comedic and the dramatic, Tifa leads her players through unforgettable epic RPG journeys.

Dan Kostelec "Shakespeare Approves"

Dan Kostelec "Shakespeare Approves"

Game Master

Word-smithing for over 20 years, Dan is known across the US renaissance faire world as “Shakespeare Approves” bringing the plays of shakespeare to the people.  Running games and weaving tales full of wonder and drama, Dan knows how to make the fantasy come to life in full color.  Often seen on Nat21 Adventures as The Metatron, Dan’s characters are never-ending and always unforgettable.